Your Partners for innovative Solutions
+94 777 898 330
Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka
Liberty Chemicals (Pvt) LtdLiberty Chemicals (Pvt) LtdLiberty Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd

Quality Materials

Quality materials are the foundation of excellence and customer satisfaction.

Expert Team

Highly skilled team delivers outstanding performance and results.

Timely Delivery

Efficient and punctual delivery ensuring customer satisfaction and project success.
Welcome to

Liberty Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd.

Founded in 1998, our company initially focused on providing high-quality products exclusively tailored for the paint and adhesive industries. With a strategic approach, we carefully curated a select range of products to meet the specific needs of our customers.

Over the years, our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has allowed us to expand our product line while retaining our core focus on delivering top-notch solutions for the paint and adhesive sectors. Today, we take pride in offering a comprehensive portfolio of paints, adhesives, and specialty coatings that cater to various industries, all built on the foundation of our expertise and years of experience in the field..

Customer Experience


Paint for beautifying surfaces and adding color.


Vital for various manufacturing applications


Diverse items for everyday use.

Liberty Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd

To stand as a world leader in driving innovative, sustainable solutions.

Vision Statement Mission Statement
To be the best sustainable solution provider in the chemical raw material industry in order to create a better life for the community.

To be a responsible chemical raw material supplier in the areas of paint, rubber, plastic and adhesive industries focusing on innovative raw materials, newer technologies and environmentally friendly products. This enables us to deliver the highest value to our customers, suppliers and employees with the objective of improving economic performances, social responsibility and environmental performances of the organization.


Our Esteemed Partners in Success.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)