Your Partners for innovative Solutions
+94 777 898 330
Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka
Liberty Chemicals (Pvt) LtdLiberty Chemicals (Pvt) LtdLiberty Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd

About us

About us

An overview of our company and operations.

Liberty Chemicals commenced business during the year 1998, with the registered office located in the suburbs of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The initial focus of the company was to cater to the paint and adhesive industries with a few selected products.

Later, the sales and marketing activities were expanded to other areas with the introduction of a range of products from reputed suppliers throughout the world.

The main focus is to select technically innovative products with the aim of providing value addition to our customers.

Currently we are catering to paint, rubber, plastic and adhesive industries gaining regular business from our clients.







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Liberty Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd

To stand as a world leader in driving innovative, sustainable solutions.

Vision Statement Mission Statement
To be the best sustainable solution provider in the chemical raw material industry in order to create a better life for the community.

To be a responsible chemical raw material supplier in the areas of paint, rubber, plastic and adhesive industries focusing on innovative raw materials, newer technologies and environmentally friendly products. This enables us to deliver the highest value to our customers, suppliers and employees with the objective of improving economic performances, social responsibility and environmental performances of the organization.

Our Future

Upcoming Endeavors

As we set our sights on the horizon, our focus shifts to our forthcoming initiatives. These are the pathways we pave today, leading us toward the opportunities and challenges that await us in the near future. Just as a new chapter begins with each sunrise, our upcoming endeavors embody the embodiment of growth, innovation, and continuous progress.

While concentrating on our existing product portfolio, we are planning to emphasize on promoting more environmentally friendly and innovative products, keeping in line with the current trends related to sustainable development.

We are looking to focus on sustainable solutions considering economic performances, social responsibilities and environmentally responsible chemical raw material suppliers. Furthermore, new products are to be introduced in the areas of paint, printing ink, rubber, plastics, and adhesive manufacturing sector.

In addition, we are planning to develop a special grade of Rheology modifier for the paint and other industries with the objective of promoting this product initially to small and medium scale paint producers in Sri Lanka as well as to other South Asian countries.


Our Esteemed Partners in Success.

Yuen Liang Industrial Co., Ltd


Taiwan Wax Company


Kwang Cheng Co., Ltd


Akros Trading Co.,


BASF Corporation


20 Microns


Nan Ya Plastics


LCY Corporation


United Wax Co.,


Peter-Greven GmbH


Active Minerals LLC




Malayan Adhesives & Chemicals

Our Partners

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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